Other Stuff

Post that just don’t fit anyplace else.

LiteSPOTs Rock Lights – A First Look

Rock lights provide lighting under the vehicle to assist with spotting and negotiating obstacles after dark. The objective is to light the area around the tires and under the vehicle so the spotter can see what is going on. The lights also can assist with nighttime repairs. OffRoadOnly sells a line of rock lights that are…

Colorado Springs Meet and Greet

On Sunday January 31 5 fellow FJ owners and familises had a breakfast meet and greet at Sheldons in Colorado Springs. It was fun to share stories and have some show and tell after breakfast. The meet and greet was organized on fjcruiserforums.com. The following folks attended; TahoeBLue, Shane4X4, RoadRash, Mountain Mike, OffRoadFJ and myself, DaToy.

Mexico Trip

I will be off the air for the next week as I head to Mexico for a guys trip. I’ll have lots of posts about the trip after I get back so be sure to check back soon. We will be headed to an area near Sahauripa with some off road adventure thrown in.