Originally I had no plans to go to the Toyota FJ Cruiser Summit in Ouray Colorado. Once I decided it might be fun to get together with some old friend registration was full and no additional spots where available. Well it just so happens that I have been a part time employee of Redline Landcruisers for the 3 months and they were going to have a vendor booth. Great, another way to get to attend.
I went along with no specific plans other than to volunteer as a trail lead once I got there. Things came together with a call to the Local Ouray KOA and my getting the last camp site available for the weekend.
With all things in order it was time to load up the trailer and hit the road for Ouray.

Talking about recovery and safety
Once in Ouray and at the Summit headquarters I got registered and stepped up to volunteer to lead some trail runs. It just so happened that another trail leader had canceled and they needed a leader for a Thursday run of the Alpine Loop and a Saturday run of Black Bear Pass. I volunteered to take both with some reservations on leading a group over Black Bear due to its high level of intimidation for new drivers.

Care wash with a fire hose
So, things came together for a great weekend with fellows FJ Cruiser enthusiasts in one of the beautiful locations in Colorado ..
During the weekend there was a fantastic collection of vendors, both new and old. I was great to touch bases with Jon of All Pro Off Road who has been so instrumental and the build of My FJ Cruiser. There were a few new vendors showing their new products for the FJC.
We had to contend with some classic Colorado afternoon rain storms, but hey, what is a summit with out rain?

Lining up for dinner in the rain
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