On Saturday of Memorial Day weekend we headed up Gold Camp Road/ Old Stage for a picnic. I know I have seen the area in bad shape but what we saw today shocked and saddened me. I respect our forest and value it a resource for us all to use. I most cases what we saw were indications of partying and shooting. Bags of trash had been left behind as well as shotgun an shells and brass all over the place. Groves of trees have been literally shot down with others being harmed by the bark being stripped away by blasts. Even though there are many responsible users and gun owners, there are a few that are ruining it for all others. For my part I would totally support a ban of shooting in the national forest (Expect for the practice of hunting). I will let the photos here speak for themselves through they represent just a small portion of the damage that we saw:

Shipping box full of trash

Old scanner/printer

Shot gun shells left behind

Small creek that feeds Rosemont Res.

Destroyed grove

Shells and trash

Another shot of the creek

Trashed target area

Another shot of the trees that have been shot down
We finally found a place that was somewhat clean to have our picnic though we had to eat with the sounds of gun shots echoing through the area rather than to the sounds of silence and birds.
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