Adventure is one of the things that we look for in trips with our Toyota FJ Cruiser. For our spring vacation this year we chose to find adventure is Southeast Utah. Our destination was a solo trip out Hole In The Rock Trail.

Early morning start
Hole in the Rock trail follows the Mormon emigrant trail to the east side of Lake Powell. This trail is evidence of the hard work and determination of the Mormons to establish additional settlements in their chosen home of Utah.
The drive started on relaxed graded roads and we were able to make good time, however this was to end the the adventure begin.
With LJ needing to gain experience behind the wheel she took over once we reached the start of the rugged double track. The slow methodical driving is very good experience for her, learning to pick the right line and then place the tires there is great practice for vehicle awareness. LJ’s skillfully navigated the FJ until the road became a little to technical for her neophyte driving skills.

Start of the crawling
Once to rock crawling began the forward progress slowed even more. Pulling the trailer makes it all that more interesting knowing that I cant back off things, the correct line is key on the first try. The traction and the ability of the FJ goes against our instincts so we just have to trust and go. Our forward progress now slowed to a crawl. Endless sandstone, climbing and descending all at a snails pace.

LJ and the pups watching the forward progress
Approaching the climb to Gray Mesa to trail enters a short section were it follows a cool little wash. This section finishes with a sloped drop of about 4 feet, an indication of what is to come.
The climb to Gray Mesa follows a section of road that was blasted out by prospectors years ago. For this section I finally had to get out and walk looking for the best line. The FJ pulled the trailer to the top with no problems. There was one spot were I had to back about 2 feet to get a better line, about all I can do with the trailer attached. LJ helped me stay on my line in a few sections, I cant wait until she learns to pick lines and spot for me.

Climbing Gray Mesa
Once at the top of Grey Mesa it was a fast run across the top to where the road again drops into the sandstone. Once off Grey Mesa the trail becomes more technical and the forward progress again slows to a crawl. There are a number small ledges and some step descents and climbs before finally arriving at the Chute. This is the obstical that everyone talks about.
The Chute is one of the more technical sections of the trail. There is a large ledge that must be dropped at the start and then the line is straight down and nice chute right between two sandstone walls. At the bottom there is a section that goes right by a deep pothole that the front end could get lost in. I found this section to be less technical then the climb up Grey Mesa.
Past this section there is one more steep climb that required a little finesse and the rear the locker then on to the end of the trail.
We arrived in camp with plenty of setup and enjoy the view down Cottonwood Canyon to Lake Powell, our hiking route for the next day. With dinner made it was time to reflect on the days drive trying not to think about the few technical sections that I would need to negotiate on the drive out. My thoughts about the day? Trust the FJ and dont let my nerves get the best of me. The FJ earned high praise for the day. The active traction control in the front worked exceptionally well pulling us up many of the technical climbs while still maintaining tne ability to steer.
More to come on our hike and the drive out.
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