We started our trip with a stop at Orvis Hot Springs. Orvis has a limited number of campsites, one of which we took advantage of. We arrived mid afternoon with plenty of time to spend in the hot healing waters. Orvis is a clothing optional spring, so keep this in mind if you decide to visit. The hot waters were a great way to wind down and start a weeks vacation.
The winds were blowing hard all afternoon and night. Sleep was hard to come by with the tent rocking and rolling all night. We had a rude wake up with the trailer tipping back. I forgot to put down the rear support on the trailer and it was being held up by a strap that was holding the tent down. The rail that the strap was attached to pulled loose and boom, over we went. All three of use ended up piled up on one side of the tent and it took some time to untangle and get out of the tent (Sorry no picture). We had a good laugh about this after it happened.

Lunch stop on the road
With the trailer reloaded and the tent packed we started the day with a trip into Montrose to pickup parts needed to make repairs to the tent. By 10:30 the tent was as good as new and we where under way to SE Utah.

Lower Mule Canyon Ruins
Our first stop was at lower Mule Canyon in Comb Wash. There is a short track into the canyon that stops in a parking area to access a small ruins site. The ruins were a short hike from the Toyota FJ. With the focus of this trip being the ancient puebloans this was a good place to start.

There is water in Utah
Leaving the ruin site we headed south on the Comb wash road and to find a camping spot. We planed on a hike in lower Fish Canyon so we camped near the mouth of Fish Canyon. Thankfully the winds finally let up and we had a pleasant nights sleep.

A meal with a view
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