An oasis in the desert, that’s what we found Saline Valley Hot (Warm) Springs to be. Located in the remote reaches of Death Valley the springs take some work to get to. There are four routes to the springs. Two that are high clearance 4wd and two that are graded dirt roads. We drove Lippincott Road, a high clearance 4wd road down to the Saline Valley after spending a cold night at the Race Track.
After making the turn from Saline Valley Road on the road to the hot springs we could tell that we were moving back in time. The were a number of sculptures along the road showing the nature of the springs.
Arriving at the springs, the Palm trees stand in contrast to the soft desert colors of the surrounding valleys and mountains.
There is a large parking area and a number of camp sites to the south side of the springs. You can also head up the road to Palm Springs which offers additional camping and is know as the party springs.

Added by the park service
The springs offers a number of soaking pools that were built before the national park service took over the area. The park service has grandfathered the springs and they are allowing continued operation but now upgrades are allowed. There is a tub that can be used for bathing as well as a number of soaking tubs.

The Source

The main soaking pool
We found the water to be a pleasant temperature and the company to be just as pleasant. This is a public spring and allows nude bathing even though suits are welcome.

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