Our M416 adventure trailer is a key part of our off road adventure gear. The trailer uses a lunette and pintle hitch. On our old build I used a normal receiver hitch that hung below the rear bumper. The receiver was the lowest point on the rear bumper and was always getting hung up.

All Pro Off Road rear bumper ready for hitch
For our new Toyota FJ Cruiser I decided to have a custom hitch built by Rockware. The design dose not use a normal receiver tube. The pintle is directly bolted to the hitch.

Completed Pintle Mount
The design is very simple and provides a very strong hitch. I added a 3 inch spacer to the hitch so the pintle would clear the spare tire. I plan on modifying the spare tire mount at some point in the future so it will clear the pintle with out the spacer.

Mat of Rockware installing hitch
I have tested the system towing our M101A1 3/4 tonne trailer and I am very pleased with the performance. It is going to be nice not having the hitch as the low point on the rear bumper when off road.

Hitch with 3" spacer
Cost: $200.00
Time: 30 Minutes