With such a trail ready Toyota FJ Cruiser we decided to go cut our own Christmas tree in the Pike National Forest this year. This was an opportunity to get the family out and on the trail for a day of fun in the National Forest. Even though this was a simple day trip, we needed to prep for the worst. Heading into the back woods in the deep of winter can have its challenges. The temperature for the day was forecast to be in about 5 degrees with snow in the forecast. We loaded the FJ with sleeping bags and winter gear to be able to survive overnight if needed.

With the $10.00 permit in hand we set out at about 8:30 on the road to Woodland Park and Rampart Range. With the fresh snow on the roads the drive was a little slow.

Looking for the best tree led us to head off the main road on
After finding a place to park near Ice Cave Creek we headed in to the wood in search of our tree. With the right gear and attitude this was a fun hike into the woods. Once our tree was selected we took that axe to it and had the tree ready to be hauled back to the car in no time.

With the tree back at the road I parked the FJ in the ditch and proceeded to get stuck. With the tree loaded on top we used the shovel to get the FJ back on the road and headed out.
With the sun burning through the clouds we stopped for lunch and enjoyed the beautiful winter scenery before heading back to town.
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