We were greeted by a warm day with the sunrise at Dollhouse.

Basking in the morning sun
Our first objective of the day was a short hike to the Bear Panel to see the rock art We had a general idea of where the panel was so we had to do a little exploring. Due to the Biological soils we had to stay on the trails which led us to a small sheltered area with a few faint images.

Shirley admiring the rock art

Bear Panel Rock Art
After admiring the art we retraced our step back to camp and headed out on what would be our full day of hiking. Our objective was to visit an accent granary and then see if we could reach Spanish Bottom and the Colorado River.

Shirley and Dale reading the back country sign

The trail heading into the rocks

Laura Jane loves this type of hiking

Dale and Shirley in one of the joints

Dale and Shirley on the trail to the Granary

This really is the trail. This is typical of Utah Canyon Country hiking.

Dale and Shirley enjoying the ruins

The ancient granary

The view up the Colorado

Tomas Enjoying the view of Surprise Valley and the Needles District
From here to the bottom is about 1200 vertical feet.

A surprise small rock formation that looks like a bear

Dale on the trail back from the Granary
Dale was having problems with his knees so he and Shirley headed back to camp from the Granary while Tomas, Nancy and Laura Jane headed off for the hike to Spanish Bottom and the Colorado River.

Canyonlands usually has very good trail signs

Laura Jane on the Trail down to Spanish Bottom

Nancy on the trail down to Spanish Bottom

A view of Spanish Bottom from above

Panorama of Spanish bottom
The hike from the sign down took about 30 minutes. We spent some time resting on the banks of the river and refueling for the hike back to the top.
Laura Jane lead on the hike back up and it took us only 34 minutes. She is a great hiker. Then it was back to camp.
At Dollhouse Camp
It was a wonderful warm evening at Dollhouse this night. We had the full moon and a great view to enjoy.

View looking down at camp

Full Moon rising over the La Sal Mountains.

The Full Moon turned yellow with smoke from a fire in the Blue Mountains

Playing around with light panting