Teapot Rock Camp
The objective for day 2 was to reach the Teapot Rock camp. The distance was only about 30 miles. Tea Pot Rock camp was picked to keep the driving short and allow us time to stop as much as we wanted.

A cold morning at Panorama Point
It was a cold morning at Panorama Point with the low in the 20’s. Thankfully the morning started with no wind or clouds so we were able to enjoy our breakfasts in the warming sun.

DaToy in the morning sun

Shirley and Dale getting breakfast ready
We got an early start and headed back out on to the Flint Trail.

Starting down the Flint Trail
The decent down the Orange Cliffs was not as difficult as I expected. If it was wet it
would have been a different story. As we descended we crossed through a very clay like layer that becomes like grease when wet. It is recommended that you carry chains for all 4 wheels so you have a chance of getting out when the trails are wet.

Flint Trail switchbacks
Flint Trail switch backs. The rangers ask that you stop at the Flit Trail overlook and check for any cars coming up. It is hard to pass. Dale waited at the over look and via our HAM radios gave the OK to start my decent. Once I was on the trail he followed on behind me.

Dale on one of the switchbacks

Weathered trail signs
Once down the steep section of the Flint Trail we continued along the base of the Orange Cliffs going south. On another trip we will head north to the Maze Overlook

View of the FJs with the Oranges Cliff in the background

Heading south

View from the Flint Trail north east over the Needles District

Camp at Teacup
Camping at Tea Pot Rock was a challenge. The designated camping area is mostly sandstone and does not lend it’s self to setting up a tent that needs stakes