Having just purchased an ARB rooftop tent to evaluate I needed a place to mount it. I had thought about using the rack on top of the FJ but that would have require relocating a number of items. I also want to be able to setup base camp and leave the tent in place while we use the FJ.

ARB Touring Rooftop Tent and Annex
This led me to mounting the tent on the M416 Military trailer that I have modified for off road use. I also purchased the ARB Tent Annex which requires the tent to be at head height to be of any use. One option was to build a rack that the permanently held the tent at the correct height. However, this would create problems with the trailer becoming to top heavy and also would increase wind drag.
To solve the height problem I came up with a very simple and low cost solution. With $50.00 worth of steel and afternoons time I created the following rack.
The rack is designed to be lifted additional 18 or so inches when the tent needs to be setup. Using 1 ¾ inch square tubing as the base and 1 5/8” tubing as the sliders I was able to create a system where I can simply lift the tent rack. When one end is lifted the other end needs to tilt in to allow for the decreased distance. To allow the poles to tilt I mounted them to the trailer bed corners with U brackets. I had considered using pins to hold the poles in vertical position but the more elegant solution ended up with the poles being held vertical by the trailer bed.

Rack in lowered position
I built a “U” bracket at the top of the inner pole that holds the main cross members with a single bolt so they can pivot.

Cross member mount and pins
To make the rack more ridged I added smaller cross members from one side to the other that are welded in place. These cross members are also used to lift the rack.

Rack from the rear of the trailer
With the rack bolted in place and the top slides in I jacked each side up and drilled holes for the pins in each pole.
With the rack down I drilled out the holes for the pins in that location.

With the rear raised

Showing the rear raised from the side

Rack in raised position
To stabilize the rack when lifted and using the tent I use a simple tie down strap that holds the rack tight in place. The tent can also be used in the lowered position with out the addition of the annex. I still need to add a little paint and plan to do so this winter when I am reworking the trailer.
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