Day 8 was to be another easy day. With only 50 miles to drive we had no reason to rush our day. We took our time having a hearty breakfast and also exploring the camp site a little. There is a little stream nearby that flows underground in a few sections and has some large sinks. We also gave the sun a little time to dry our tents before packing them up.

Breaking camp
Once underway we headed east following the old rail grade towards Chapman Reservoir and Hagerman Pass. Our destination was Turquoise Lake near Leadville. Just past the end of Rudi and Thomasville there are two very large brick Shaft kilns. We discussed the use and I think they may have been for creating quicklime for use in making concrete. This is a great place to stop and get some photos.

Old Brick Kilns
Leaving Thomasville the road follows a very even grade of the old Colorado Midland Railway line. The rail line continues up the valley to the original Hagerman tunnel that was completed in 1887. Hagerman pass continues up a jeep road and crests the continental divide.

Break time on the rail grade
Nancy was hiking most of the 4wd road so we stop a few miles below the summit to wait for her. The view and the flowers were stupendous and it was a welcome break.

Waiting for Nancy bellow the summit

LJ and her favorite pup

George enjoying the break
This makes our 4th and final crossing the divide during our 9 pass tour. We again stopped for photos at the top of the pass and enjoyed the views of the large cornices still remaining form the previous winter.

Nancy finishing her hike
Descending the east side of Hagerman offers a great view of Hagerman Lake and the valley bellow. The descent continues with the road becoming smoother the further down we progressed. After the long traverse down from the top we made the graded county road with plenty of time to hunt out a camp site. Our goal was to camp next to the lake and try a little fishing again.

DaToy at the crest of Hagerman
We pulled into the campground at the east end of the lake only to find most sites full and the others reserved. Dale found a spot next to the lake that had a day old reservation on it and was able to get the camp hosts to free the site up only if we could fit all 3 FJs in the site parking area. With a little finesse we had no problems and proceeded to get our camp setup.

Our final camp
Laura Jane again tried fishing but again with no luck. Tonight was the final dinner of the trip and we enjoyed a great meal and a final evening of fellowship.
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