Day seven of our high pass tour brought an alternate route into play. Because Pearl Pass was closed we planned on heading to Glenwood Springs via Kebler and McClure passes. With plans to eat breakfast in Crested Butte we got our packing done and headed out.

The Four FJ's in Crested Butte
Once in Crested Butte we parked in the main lot at the east end of town and walked downtown for a great breakfast at McGills. Once fueled up we were on our way over Kebler. One of the largest aspen groves in the world is on Keblar pass and it makes for a beautiful drive. The road was in great condition with very little washboard.
We rolled into the Glenwood Hot Springs at about 2:00 p.m.. Time to enjoy a soak and get cleaned up. The slide is a hoot, LJ and I went down it together and had a blast.
Once cleaned up, it was on the road again. We stopped in Carbondale for Mexican food then on to find a camp site.
We drove through Basalt and up the Frying Pan River to Rudi Reservoir. A nice camp site was found at Little Mattie Campground. We had to rush our setup to beat the evening rain storm.
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