Heat and food go together in the emergency pack. Having both a small stove and a way to start a fire can be a great asset when surviving away from civilization. Fire or a heat source also allows you to heat food and make hot drinks.
For a stove there is a very simple and inexpensive solution. The Esbit stove includes six fuel tablets and a small metal case that doubles as the stove. Four tablets can be stored in the stove and I store the other two in my first aid kit.

Esbit Cooking Stove
For cooking I include a classic stainless steel Sierra Cup which can be used to cook in as well as drink and eat from.

Sierra Cup
For starting a fire it is recommended that you include flint and a striker in your kit. I also include storm matches which will burn in a high wind and when wet. A very fine steel wool can be included to strike the flint into. Vaseline impregnated cotton can be used as an initial fire starter.
Food needs to also be included in the kit. I include and number of food bars as well as 3 freeze dried meals. I have include enough food to feed me for 3 full days.