We had a windy night camping on the Paria Plateau. It was still very wind this morning. I was able to get breakfast cooked and we ate in the tent. At about 10:30 we got underway on our drive back to Paw Hole for our planned hike. Once at Paw Hole we headed north into the formations. With the cold winds LJ and Nancy were ready to get back to the car. The winds were gusting well above 25 mph. We spent about 45 minutes then it was back to the car.

Formations at the South end of Coyote Buttes

Paw Hole Spring
The sandstone tepee formation are all over the place. LJ things they look like something left behind by cows.
I then drove us towards Cottonwood Cove but the road was blocked with some logs. I figure the park service had blocked the road to keep people out of an area that looked to have some very deep sand. I don’t think we would have had a problem but I chose not to extend tracks into an area where others might get stuck.

Sandstone Formation - Paria Plateau
Leaving LJ and Nancy in the car I hiked over to where the Chess Queen is located and took a few pictures. It was then back to camp for lunch.

Small Sandstone Arch - Paria Plateau
After lunch I talked Nancy and LJ into taking a drive over to White Pocket. Access the formations was only a short hike from the parking area so Nancy and LJ went with me. Again the winds were gusting and the we were getting sandblasted. We did have time to look around. White pocket is quite the amazing place with a multitude of white and red sandstone formations.

White Pocket Formation - Paria Plateau
With the winds gusting in excess of 50 mph Nancy and LJ went back to take a look at the Moki Marbles in a basin near the parking area and then head back to the car. I stayed to try to get some more photos. However, the wind finally won out and it was back to the car for me also.

White Pocket Formation - Paria Plateau

White Sandstone and Hoodoo

Art in Nature - Sandstone
We are back at camp by 3:40 and into the tent to get out of the wind. I had to setup the kitchen in the tent vestibule to get out of the wind then I prepped an early diner and we were early to bed.