While planning our 2009 spring trip adventure I planned on taking Left Hand Colet from Hole-in-the-rock Road to Smoky Mountain Road. When we stopped for a snack in Boulder, Utah, the owner told me that Left Hand Colet was closed due to a wash out from 2 years ago. Bummer, I thought, it’s time to change our plans.
On the day were where to drive Left Hand Colet we stopped to look at the dinosaur tracks then decided to go as far as we could on Left Hand Colet.
When we hit the first wash crossing I could tell that a loader had been through before us. This was a good sign. I hoped this indicated the trail had been repaired all the way to the top. Many times we were driving in the wash and could see that it would not be the place to be during a rain storm.

In the Canyon Floor
As we continued up the track the repairs became rougher and the wash outs larger. However, things did look promising with the loader tracks continuing and the trail repairs in place. I Figured some rancher had fixed the road up to the first major side canyon so he could move his cattle easier.

Up one of the filled in ledges
When we got to the point where the trail heads south from the main canyon the loader tracks continued on. Great this looks really promising. There were a number of ledges that he had filled in but the trail was looking really good.

The Trail heads up the side canyon
The road finally exited the wash and headed up the side of the mesa. Cool we are going to make it I was thinking… Then we came around a corner and the road narrowed ahead next to a cliff as it headed back into the wash for the last climb.

Up another ledge
The loader had reconstructed the road in this narrow section and I was concerned that it was not going to be wide enough for us or that the shoulder of the road was going to be too soft. I walked past this section to look at the last climb.

Nancy inspects the rebuilt road
Damn it was going to be hard. First we had to get through this narrow section and then follow the loaders path up to the mouth of the wash. There were a number of large ledges that he had filled in and the dirt was dry and loose. There was a winding route up but it looked like the FJ might have problems with the trailer in tow…

Inspecting the last section

Starting up the last section
Now it was time for the next for the last steep section. I walked it a second time picking the route for the FJ.

Continuing through the rebuilt section
Back in the FJ engaged the rear locker and started up the hill. The first ledge presented no problem. I lined the FJ up for the next ledge and started up. The left front then lost traction and all 4 started to spin. I quickly dug into the loose dirt and could not climb any further. I backed up a few feet and gave it another try.

Point that we had to winch
One of the problems with pulling an off-road trailer is that it makes backing very hard. Sometimes the trailer must even be disconnected. In this case I was able to back down about 8 feet before attempting the obstacle again. I did not want to push things hard for fear of breaking something while out by ourselves.
When the next to attempt failed I figured it was time to get the winch into the action.
For this trip I had added the Pull Pal to our quiver of recovery tools. I’m glad I did. Even with my winch line extension I would not have been able to find a solid anchor.
I unloaded the pull pal. Got the winch ready and put it to work.
The winch was the assist I needed. We had no problems clearing this section. I unhooked the winch rope and hand coiled it on the bumper just in case we needed any more for this sections and finished the drive to the top.

On to the top
With no additional problems we arrived at Colet Top.

Topping out the the Loader Behind us
This is why we have all the recovery gear for most types of self recovery situations. It gives us more security when we head into unknown situations on our solo adventures.

Maybe not today!
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