I preparation for our next dessert adventure I added a Pull Pal to our off road gear a few weeks ago. After I received the Pull Pal I was at a loss for a place to mount it on the FJ. I figured I would just strap it down and be good to go. The problem is I wanted a stowage that would be a little more permanent and not rattle. I got to thinking;
I have an Africa Outback roof rack and each rail in the rack has grooves for nuts. This provides an unlimited number of bolt on hold downs that are available. I figured that I could use these, however, just bolting the Pull Pal down would create another rattle on the rack and would also wear the rack which is made of aluminum. I wanted to pad the Pull Pal.
To do this I ordered two 2x3x12 block of Polyurethane. One of the great things about these block is you can use a router to modify them. I marked the blocks with an outline of the Pull Pal.
I then went after them with the router to create a recess in the blocks that the Pull Pal will nest in:
Once I had the block fit to the Pull Pal I then drilled holes in them so I can bolt the blocks to the roof rack. I still need to hold the Pull Pal down. To do this I fabricated a hold down clamp for each block.
To get the bends I needed I ground a slot in the plate then bent and welded it. This works for me and seems to be strong enough.
To attach the blade I fabricated one additional hold down that goes though a single hole that I drilled in the blade. The blade is then mounted to the top of the Pull Pal.
I will be adding a cable lock to prevent any unauthorized removal of the Pull Pal.
With this mount I will be able to leave the Pull Pal in place for ready use at any time